Talk with Nick (08/02/2024)
1- What do you like about women?
For me, I like women who are cute and who are fun. I don't like women who are too self-absorbed or judgemental towards others. I like open-minded people. I see relationships as something to enjoy and have fun in. I try not to take them too seriously. Right now, I don't have any plans to get married. Most likely, what relationships I have, I will eventually have to break up with them unless I am 30 or older. I want to focus on building my career and helping my brother first. I am not too worried about breakups. Breakups hurt. With enough time, we can heal and learn to be open again. It may take months or even a year to recover, but we will recover eventually. I rather fall in love and break up than not love at all.
2- What's your experience with women been like so far? your entire life?
Have you ever had a girlfriend? Are you a virgin? Have you ever kissed a girl?
-For guys, having experience is important because in relationships, the guy has to do everything. We have to ask them out, we have to pick the locations for our dates, we have to go for the kiss, we have to initiate sex, etc. We have to initiate everything. Girls mainly have to say Yes or No. I would say this is for 80-90% of women. The minority of women will ask you out and initiate on some of the things but they are rare and the chances of them asking either of us out is rarer because we are not super successful nor are we handsome super models.
So if we want to get successful with women, we have to start asking them out. For dating apps, we have to get really good photos with amazing lighting and good clothing. For clothing, something casual but nothing that makes you look like a divorced dad. Classic t-shirt with open jacket and jeans is good.
Hinge is the best overall for guys many people say. It's more geared towards relationships and personal connection than just hookups. The nice personality girls are more frequent there as well.
3- One thing we have to work on is our conversations. Everyone can talk about something for hours. If somebody asks you about ChainsawMan or Fate GO, you can talk about it for hours. The goal is to be able to talk about ourselves as well more fluently.
This is my opinion. I think girls and people in general like listening to personal stories more than you talking about your class schedule. If I am talking to a girl, I want to know more about who she is, what's her story and what's her personality like? Is she open-minded? What kind of dreams do she have? I should be doing the same?
One of the things I like talking about is my younger brother and my older sister. Initially I talk about doing fun things like playing Roblox where we bully kids online or going hiking with my sister to eat In N Out every weekend as a reward. If they are receptive, I use that opportunity to be more personable. I end up talking about my identity crisis as an immigrant and cultural clash with my parents over being American vs Asian.
When you talk about sensitive topics, it's very risky but it's also high reward. If they listen and understand, there is trust built between you two. They might feel more comfortable around you because they know this secret part of you that others don't.
The goal overall is to get closer until you can hold hands, then kiss, and then eventually sex.
The goal of a relationship is sex. That's what seduction means, to get somebody to sleep with you. In relationships, initially, the guy is doing all the work. Once sex has happened between the two, the power dynamic changes. Now that the guy has sex, he has more freedom. He can choose to stay or leave. The girl usually wants the guy to stay because sex is a big thing for them. After sex, girls will put in more effort towards the relationship.
This is the main reason why it's easy for girls to get hookups or short-term relationships. In contrast, it's easy for guys to get into long-term relationships or marriages.
Guys mostly want sex. Girls mostly want marriage.
For guys, it's very physical but for girls it's more emotional and mental.