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57 What accomplishments or qualities do you want to be remembered for? (04/18/2023)

I don't consider my legacy to be too important. I will be dead by then and nothing will matter at that point. I am more worried about the life I have now and my current reputation which affects me directly.
Regardless of whether I like it or not, I will leave behind a legacy like everyone else after they die. I want to be remembered as a different example of what men can be. To me, to be a man is to do and be what one think is right regardless of what others think. In order to lead others, one cannot be swayed so easily by others. Throughout history, we have numerous individuals both good and bad that led large movements because they all had an idea they believed in. For that I respect them, even if they were human beings that committed horrible crimes to humanity. As for me, the idea I believe in is in vulnerability. I hate how a lot of guys lie and overexaggerate about themselves whether its their wealth, height, how much they bench, or how they are feeling. I want to say fuck that and let them hear our truth no matter how uncomfortable it makes others. So what if they don't like who we are on the inside, its better than feeding them this fake version of ourselves which is so tiresome to maintain.

58 How do you handle it when people are unkind and mean to you? (04/18/2023)

I cut the conversation short stating that I don't have the time nor energy to argue. It's not going to benefit neither party. If they insist on continuing to insult me, then I politely take my leave.
The only exception to this would be if those people are one of my close friends or close family members. I will hear what they have to say and try to understand if their statements and actions have any rationality to them. If they do and I am at fault, then I will apologize sincerely and find a way to make up to them. However, if I am not at fault, I will tell them that I am currently being hurt and I will walk away to avoid hurting them back as well. After they have cooled off, I will question them on why they acted that way. Everyone has a reason for being angry or unkind towards others, and I want to figure out why they are like that to help reduce that behavior.
Having these types of deep conversations is tough so I always prefer to have my friend, alcohol, in hand. It releases the words that often get stuck in our mouth because we are scared of showing our true selves. If not alcohol, maybe some weed in the form of brownies or a joint. If not substances, then a good old drive to McDonald's. Me and my friend could eat our happy meal either in our car or outside sitting on the sidewalk. We unwind while watching cars drive by on the main road.


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