34. What did you do this week that brought you closer to your goal(s)? (04/01/2023)
So far, I started going to the LRC(Learning Resource Center) and the prison gym at work to get ahead on my career/education goals while getting more buff.
Just being outside of my room makes me feel more productive and happy to do work. No more Danell talking with his Brazilian girlfriend on facetime for 6+hours everyday. Just some peace and quiet with background radio music while I do work in the LRC.
Also, I lost the smash bros tournament on the first round. The old air force guy beat me so hard that I packed my switch and don't want to play it for the rest of my time in Jordan. Less time in switch, more time in other things. I am still glad I got the opportunity to attend my first smash tournament, even though I got destroyed. I am glad I put myself out there and socialized, even if it was a few HI's and hello's.