134. Are there activities that always calm you down or cheer you up when you need it? (06/28/2023)

Meditating, journaling, going for a good walk, or listening to old songs for the nostalgia dopamine.

All of them do a good job at helping me relax. Another favorite of mine is just stopping for a moment and admiring the view whether its me looking forward down the road into different streets, watching different people walking by or talking as I look from above through a window or a balcony, or just looking at the entire city of Los Angeles or Berkeley from the hills. Just looking at those views makes me feel so small and insignificant. At the same time, I feel free and amazed by the beauty of the view. I just look and say, "Wow". Everyday, there is always something new to explore, another beautiful sight to view.

I am usually by myself either physically or mentally. I could be with a group of people and I would just be listening as a passive participant. Occasionally, I look out into the distance to briefly escape the social situation. Other times, it would just be me by myself walking alone whether its on a cloudy day on the streets or at night strolling through the neighborhoods. Sometimes I find a good view while walking, other times I have to stop at a crosswalk or rest on a bench or on the sidewalk. During those stops, I get to look around for anything interesting going on whether its people doing exercises on the park, cats quietly walking through bushes, or cars zooming by. It's therapeutic.


