27 Write a list of your strengths. (03/25/2023)

For strengths, I am assuming skills you are above average in or really good at.

1. Counseling
Counseling is a mix of listening and giving advice. I have been practicing and actively trying to improve in being a better listener. I actively listen and stay engaged with the speaker whether its my friend, coworker, etc. I ask them questions related to what they are talking about or I repeat a phrase they said like the last three words either in a questioning tone or an understanding tone to keep them talking. If possible, I brainstorm and try to make connections. For example, if they are talking about flight school, I might make a reference to the airplane patch they have on their bag or a past conversation they had about flying around the world.
If possible, I try to give advice disguised in the form of questions. Rather than saying "you should apply", I ask them "do you think you will ever apply to the program?". If I say my short statement, they will say, "yeah, you are probably right" and end the conversation. If I ask the question, they will open up about doubts or issues they have about applying for the program.

2. Empathy
Empathy is learning to see and feel things from others' point of view. As you listen more to others while they are emotionally vulnerable, you begin to understand how they see the world. Most of your judgements and negative feelings towards them almost evaporate as you feel closer to them.
Empathy helped me form really close bonds with a few of my friends. However, empathy is hard because everyone including myself have trust issues whether its due to being betrayed in the past or due to societal judgements. I myself am practicing being more honest and vulnerable especially in one to one conversations to allow others to open up and allow empathy.

3. Public Speaking
I love speaking in front of crowds. I am nervous to the point my hands and legs are shaking but I am also excited at the same time. For each speech, I always write drafts of speech and often revise them by speaking them aloud to see if it makes sense in a speech setting and if it matches my style as a speaker. I want each speech to be informative and enjoyable as possible by adding my own personality into it.


